Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series
Black Magic:
Book 3 of the
Black Butterfly Series
Nika Michelle
Copyright 2013 Nika Michelle
Published by Sullivan Productions LLC
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written consent from both the author and publisher Sullivan Productions LLC, except brief quotes used in reviews, interviews or magazines.
This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real person. All the characters, incidents and dialogue in this written work are the product of the author’s imagination and are not to be considered as real. Any references or similarities to actual events, entities, real people living or dead, or to real locations are intended for the sole purpose of giving this novel a sense of reality. Any similarities with other names, characters, entities, places, people or incidents are entirely coincidental.
Thank you to all of the
Black Butterfly fans!!!!
Without you the Beauvois sisters would’ve stopped at book one. You asked for more, so
I hope you all enjoy the 3rd installment of this series and if you want a part four…please post reviews to let me know.
Remember, I do this for you.
Without further or do…
I present to you
Black Magic!!!!!!!
Nika Michelle
Chapter 1
As I grabbed that bitch by her hair and pulled her from my man’s lap, I felt empowered. Although I wanted to break his fucking neck, he was still my man until I severed all ties with his lying, cheating, conniving ass. After all we’d been through my reservations about him being a rapper had actually come to fruition right before my very eyes. My anger was like a ticking time bomb and I almost forgot my injury as I slung that heifer onto the floor. Suddenly I felt a piercing pain in my thigh that made me flinch. I let the hoe’s hair go and limped over to Raheem. His eyes were closed and he was actually drooling.
“What the fuck have you been drinking?” I asked as I slapped his cheek.
His eyes fluttered opened slowly and a dazed look covered his handsomely flawless face. “Seantay?”
“Don’t Seantay me Rah! What the hell is going on?” I asked with a hostile look on my face.
“Don’t even think about it bitch!” I heard behind me.
Samara was making her way over to the ratchet slut with the tired ass lace front wig on her head. She pushed her back against the wall. “What’s going on Tay?” She asked with her brows raised. I guess that slut was going to try to sneak attack me from the back.
“I don’t know. I came back here to talk to Rah and I found that bitch on top of him and shit. All I could do was pull the bitch off him by her hair before my fucking leg started hurting. I can’t believe it. He said he was coming here to sign some papers and here he is with some hoe in his lap. Just like I thought!” I couldn’t hold the tears back.
The chick finally decided to speak up. “Look, he was the one who asked me to come back here with him. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend,” she said nervously.
“He doesn’t look like he’s able to say shit,” Samara said observing Raheem’s unresponsive state.
Old girl rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. “Whatever, don’t act like I can’t pull a nigga like him. You better be glad that bitch snuck up on me, or I would’ve whooped her bourgeois ass!”
“You can kiss my bourgeois ass right after I kick your ratchet ass!” I walked over to her, but Samara somehow held her and managed to keep me away at the same time.
“Make sure he’s okay,” Samara told me sternly. “And you can get out of here bitch before you catch a beat down for real!” Her attention was on the chicken head with the fucked up ass wig.
“Fuck this shit. It ain’t worth it,” the chick huffed before making a quick exit.
“I can’t believe you Rah!” I yelled as I wiped the tears from my eyes. All I could think about was the time we’d just shared before he left.
“Hmmm,” he moaned as his head suddenly fell back again and his eyes closed.
“He’s acting like he’s had more than a few drinks,” Samara said as she closed the distance between us.
“Did you see what happened?” I asked as I looked around the room for some water. I didn’t see any.
She shook her head. “No, I was recording Cree with my phone and shit. Rah was at the bar one minute and the next he was gone. I only saw him order one drink and he wasn’t acting drunk earlier.”
“This is crazy,” I sighed. “He’s still not really responding. Get some water from the bar for me,” I said thinking that Rah was pretending to be fucked up so I wouldn’t dump his ass.
Samara left and came back with Cree and Jai in no time.
“What the hell?” Cree asked as he stepped in the office. He tried giving Rah the water, but he wouldn’t drink it.
“What the fuck did you drink my nigga?” Jai asked him only getting a moan in response.
“Thanks Samara,” I said gratefully before I explained what I’d walked in on to Jai and Cree.
“What?” Jai asked giving Cree a questioning look.
Cree shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. That nigga had signed the papers and said he was going to the bar to grab a drink. I didn’t see him again after that.”
I was frustrated because all I had to go on was the evidence that was before me and Raheem wasn’t talking. I sighed in frustration as I thought about the email I’d received. The whole point of me going to the club was to get some type of support from my man. Instead I’d gotten a dose of reality.
I took the bottle of water from Cree and poured all of it on top of Raheem’s head. He suddenly opened his eyes wide from the shock of the cold water and sat up. “What the fuck?” He asked like he was out of breath.
“That’s the same question I have for your ass! What the fuck was that bitch doing on your lap Raheem!” I yelled angrily with the empty bottle still in my hand.
The water dripped from his weary looking face onto his shirt and jeans. “What bitch? What the hell Tay? I was at the bar…” He suddenly looked confused. “What the fuck happened ya’ll? I just remember sitting at the bar waiting for my drink when some chick came up and sat beside me. She knocked my drink over and it spilled on me. I went to the restroom and then went back to the bar…the rest is blank.” He looked around. “How the hell did I end up in here?”
I just stood there. “Mmm hmm,” I said not believing the bullshit he’d just fed us.
“You okay man? You don’t usually get drunk and shit,” Cree said leaning over to take a look at him.
“I feel really light headed. Like I just popped a few Xanax or something,” he said attempting to sit up. Just as he seemed to get his balance, his body wavered to the side.
Jai caught him and sat him up. “What did you drink?”
“I just sipped on a Long Island Iced Tea a couple times and then some chick knocked it over, so I didn’t really drink anything,” he said as he looked up at me. “What’s up baby? What you doin’ here? What the hell you got an attitude for?” His voice was slurred and his head kept moving like he was feeling woozy.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Don’t act like you didn’t just get drunk and have some groupie bitch all up on you in this motherfucka!”
“What?” He asked a
s he tried to stand up. When he almost lost his balance Jai and Cree held him up. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on. I didn’t drink shit. Tay, babe, you gotta believe me. I really don’t know what the fuck happened.”
I didn’t say anything as I shot him a look of pure, unadulterated hate. “Can one of ya’ll let him spend the night with you?” My eyes met Cree’s and then Jai’s. “I can’t stand the sight of him right now. I’ll be out of his apartment by noon.” I stormed out of the office and Samara was right behind me. “
“Seantay, stop,” she said.
I also heard Rah calling my name, but I ignored him as I spun around to face Samara.
“What?” I hissed angrily, although I wasn’t mad at her.
She walked closer to me. “I know you’re upset,” she said.
“I’m far pass upset. I’m more like mad as hell!”
“Something else happened here Tay. I don’t know what, but some things are not always what they seem.” Her words were sincere, but I couldn’t see it any other way.
“I just caught the first man I’ve ever loved cheating on me Samara. I had just experienced the best Christmas ever with him and then I see him with that skank on his lap.” I didn’t even want to think about it let alone talk about it.
She nodded. “Just make sure you call me when you get to the crib okay.”
“Okay,” I agreed just as I heard Raheem call my name again. “Tell him I don’t have anything to say to him right now and I’ll let you all know when I’m out of his place.”
Samara nodded again and I walked off as fast as I could to my car. My head was pounding and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. The memory of what I’d read in that email was still weighing heavily on my mind as I drove out of the parking lot. If it wasn’t one damn thing it was another. I willed myself not to cry as I headed toward the highway.
* * *
Raheem blew my phone up for hours and when I gave up on sleep at about seven fifteen am, I decided to go ahead and delete the messages he’d left. He had left twelve and I didn’t bother to listen to any of them. I’d also missed a call from Renell and Seandra, so I dialed Renell’s number first. It was kind of strange that they’d both called me so early.
“Hello,” she answered sounding anxious.
“What’s up sis?” I asked praying that I wouldn’t get any bad news.
“Good morning Tay. Uh, I called because we have a little situation with Seandra,” she said before explaining the situation with Ahmad’s ex, the crazy chant, the snake dreams and grandmother’s phone call. By the time she was finished with the story I actually had chills. I did let her know that I hadn’t spilled the beans of her pregnancy to our grandmother.
“Wow,” I sighed taking it all in. “That sounds almost as crazy as what’s going on with me. Getting away right now would be good; even if it is to reverse a crazy ass curse.”
“What happened? I can hear the sadness in your voice.”
I told her about the email and the situation with Raheem. “I just knew it was Dean who had sent that text.” I hadn’t told anyone other than Rah and Reba about Nafis. “Now I’m back to square one.”
“Gosh little sis, how many men have you…?”
I cut her off quickly. “It’s not that many Nell. I just can’t think of anyone that our family has ruined. This person does not just have an issue with me, but our whole family. My mind keeps drawing a blank.”
“Are you going to be okay?” Nell’s voice was low and soothing.
“I’ll be fine. What time are we leaving?” I asked. “I thought you were spending the holidays with Ricky’s folks.”
“I was, but big sister duties are calling right now. You know I’m Super Big Sister. Let me put the S on my chest and save my little sister from this so called curse.”
“Poor Seandra, at first it was Jermaine and Mintzi and now this.” I shook my head.
“Yeah, but do you believe in that stuff?”
“I don’t know what to believe at times Nell. It’s funny that after what happened last night I was thinking that there has to be a curse on our family. It’s like every time things seem to be going good there’s some type of catastrophe.”
Renell laughed. “It’s not that bad baby sister. Why don’t you talk to Raheem and see what he has to say. You admitted yourself that he was sloppy drunk.”
“But that’s no excuse for some bitch to be sitting on his lap and shit,” I stated defiantly standing my ground. Fuck Raheem. I didn’t want to talk to him ever again.
“I didn’t say it was an excuse. I was just saying you should allow him the chance to explain himself. It’s only right. You know yourself that you can’t take most of the things you see for face value. He’s sort of a celebrity now himself, so you never know,” she said.
I had to admit that she was right, but I didn’t see it being anything other than what I saw with my own two eyes. The bitch was in his lap unbuckling his belt and he was letting her do it. I couldn’t see him explaining that shit away. There was just no other way of seeing the whole situation, so I chose not to.
“Yeah, whatever Nell. When are we leaving so I can be ready? I am not trying to be here when he gets here.”
“Daddy’s fueling the jet at eight and we’ll be flying out at eleven. We are planning to be back on New Year’s Eve, if things…go well.”
“Tay, talk to the man. I like Raheem and I think he might have an explanation for what happened,” she threw in. “I mean, I hope he does anyway.”
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Why the hell couldn’t she be male bashing with me instead of feeling sorry for Rah. Wasn’t that shit a bitch?
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’ll call you when I’m on my way to you. ” I hung up the phone before she could be Rah’s cheerleader again.
Chapter 2
After seeing Kristie’s name on my Caller ID over ten times in a row over the course of thirty minutes, the phone finally stopped ringing. I was finally able to exhale as I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. I needed a short nap because I felt so damn exhausted, but I was afraid to go back to sleep. I didn’t want to dream about any more snakes. As I made my way into the bathroom to run myself a bubble bath, I thought of Ahmad. He’d called to let me know that he had made it to Atlanta, but I didn’t tell him about what was going on with his ex-wife. I didn’t want to alarm him, nor did I want him to think I was crazy. My mind drifted to the Christmas gift he’d instructed me to open today. I wasn’t even interested in whatever it was, which was so unlike me. That bitch had me shook because she seemed to be holding an invisible threat over my head. I couldn’t fight what I couldn’t see and that shit was frustrating.
Just as I was about to lower my body into the tub full of exquisite bubbles, my cell phone rang. I reluctantly grabbed a towel and ran into my bedroom to answer it.
“Jermaine,” I said in a surprised voice. “Uh, how are you and Merry Christmas.”
He chuckled good-naturedly. “Thanks and same to you.” After he cleared his throat he continued. “I know I’m the last person you expected to hear from today. I’ve been meaning to call you for months, but I didn’t know what to say. I basically wanted to apologize for what I did to you. It was a cowardly move and I never meant to hurt you in any way. I also wanted to apologize for Mintzi’s behavior. I know she’s a grown woman, but I probably fed into some of her bullshit for a minute. I hope you can accept my apology.”
“Thanks for apologizing Jermaine. I’m glad we can move on and have some closure about the situation,” I said really appreciating him reaching out to me.
“Your father had called and told me that if I even thought about putting my hands on you again he’d see to it that the closest I got to another stadium would be as a ticket scalper. Ouch right? Besides, your new boyfriend’s kind of scary,” he said trying to get me to admit to being with Ahmad.
I smiled. “Thanks again and happy h
olidays Jermaine,” I said before ending the call. After placing the phone on its charger, I made my way back into the bathroom. The steaming, bubble bath was calling my name and I couldn’t wait to relax with some aromatherapy.
“Ahh,” I sighed when my body was finally surrounded by the fragrant bubbles and closed my tired eyes. Not wanting to read too much into the situation, I tried not to think about my conversation with my grandmother. It just seemed so…crazy to think that someone could actually put a curse on somebody. My reality didn’t involve chants and spells done by deranged exes and shit. I was more equipped for physical altercations. The situation with Kristie was totally different and was actually stressing me the hell out.
Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep and my head had slowly made it below the water. After I started choking from almost drowning, I sat up attempting to clear my lungs. As I coughed and coughed until I could breathe clearly, I thought of all of the off the wall shit that had been happening to me and my family. Maybe it was all just a coincidence, since we’d been going through hell even before I started seeing Ahmad seriously. Or maybe things were only going to get worse.
* * *
It was eleven fifteen and we were on father’s cozy private jet on the way to New Orleans. Seantay had already filled me in on her situation with Raheem and my heart went out to her.
“We were supposed to continue celebrating today, but of course things didn’t work out that way,” she pouted. “He promised me such a wonderful Christmas and it started out great. I can’t believe he did that to me.”
I just sat there dumb founded. Raheem seemed to be so into Seantay and after he was all torn up about her accident, I couldn’t see him cheating. “Wow,” was all I could say as I thought about the present Ahmad had given me. I still hadn’t bothered opening it. It was sitting right there under the little Christmas tree on the coffee table in my living room.
After that she told me about the email that had caused her to go to the club to see Raheem in the first place. At that point I was just as baffled as she was. Renell and I had often discussed how we thought our little sister had a sneaky side. Maybe some things from her past were starting to catch up with her.