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The Plug's Daughter 2: It's Love and War

  The Plug’s Daughter 2:

  It’s Love and War

  Nika Michelle

  Copyright 2015 Nika Michelle

  Edited by Nika Michelle

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents/ Sullivan Productions LLC

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written consent from both the author and publisher Sullivan Productions LLC, except brief quotes used in reviews, interviews or magazines.

  This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real person. All the characters, incidents and dialogue in this written work are the product of the author’s imagination and are not to be considered as real. Any references or similarities to actual events, entities, real people living or dead, or to real locations are intended for the sole purpose of giving this novel a sense of reality. Any similarities with other names, characters, entities, places, people or incidents are entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1


  My father just stood there at the door for a good minute staring at me. I sighed heavily and looked into his penetrating eyes.

  “I’ll be fine papi,” I attempted to assure him.

  I hadn’t called him that since I was a little girl. I’d just started learning Spanish when I was six and instead of calling him daddy I called him papi for years.

  He forced a smile on his face, but it wasn’t genuine. I knew that he wanted to kill Keys. I could see it in his eyes. The thing was, he’d come around to accepting Keys, but for the moment we had to focus on killing Trell and Will’s crew. That was most important and I needed him to understand that. Knowing that he was in his feelings made me want him to just leave. Shit, I was already in mine. I had fucked my own damn brother without knowing thanks to my pops not telling me the truth a long damn time ago.

  “You sure?” He asked as he studied my face.

  I nodded. “Yes. I have Keys and…”

  My father’s eyes bore into my soul like he was asking if I was for real. That cut my words short. He was offended by my choice to stay with Keys. He was used to being my only protector. I shook my head quickly.

  “I know that I have you too, but I’m gonna stay here tonight. I…uh…I’ll see you in the morning…early.”

  He was still staring me down with that intimidating look. That was all he needed to discipline me as a child, but I wasn’t a child anymore.

  After letting out a deep breath he shook his head and then pulled me into him for a hug. After he kissed the top of my head he finally let me go.

  “I’m so sorry Sen.” He softly touched my chin and then turned to leave.

  Once the door was closed and locked I exhaled. The next thing I felt as I stood there was my man’s arms around my waist. I closed my eyes and finally felt at peace. At least I knew the truth. Trell was possibly my brother, but that shit didn’t make me feel a thing for him. He was even more evil than I was. He’d obviously inherited his mother’s mental illness and my father’s murderous, treacherous tendencies. That was not a good mix. I for one knew that from experience. My parents’ personalities didn’t make a good mix for me either.

  “You okay ma?” His breath tickled my ear.

  “You want the truth or what will make you feel better?”

  “The truth. I always want the truth ma.”

  “No, I’m not okay baby.”

  His arms tightened around me. “What can I do?”

  I finally opened my eyes. “You’re doing all you can Keys. You’re not superman. I don’t expect for you to fix everything.”

  “But I wanna fix everything Sen.”

  He rested his cheek against mine and I wanted to reveal every deep, dark secret that lurked in my past. He wanted to know about the scar on my wrist. I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t want him driving himself insane trying to fix me. That wasn’t for him to do. All I needed and wanted was his love.

  “I know baby,” I said instead of saying what I really wanted to say.

  His fingers were in my hair soothingly massaging my scalp when he asked, “So, why didn’t you tell him about Will too?”

  I sighed, but didn’t answer him.

  “Too much too soon?” He asked knowingly.

  I nodded. “Yes. I’ll tell him.”

  “Okay, because I think he can help us find out exactly who we’re dealin’ wit’. Your pops know mufuckas in high places. This is for the best Sen.”

  “I know that he wants to kill you Keys. It killed him to leave me here with you.”

  “But at least he knows about us. He’ll be ok wit’ it eventually. If not, oh well, ‘cause I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  We kissed. “Me either,” I whispered when we separated.

  * * *

  I woke up at 8 am and Keys was up making coffee. “No time to make breakfast babe. Got word that Trell’s back in town. Gotta meet up wit’ Mendosa and Dame. You comin’ wit’ me so get dressed real quick. He said Ana’s makin’ breakfast and shit.”

  Without saying a word I turned around and headed back toward the master bathroom to take a shower. He said get dressed real quick, but he knew better. One thing I didn’t rush was taking care of my hygiene. I threw on a pair of jeans and a comfortable tank top before slipping my feet into some flat sandals. When I walked into the room Keys was looking at me funny.

  “What?” I asked looking down at myself self-consciously.

  “You’ve been goin’ for the comfy look a lot lately.” There was a smile on his face.

  “Well, there’s no need for me to be all flyy when mufuckas are tryin’ to kill me. I ain’t trying to fight or run for my life in heels.”

  “I ain’t complainin’ ma. I like it.”

  “Thanks.” I couldn’t help but smile after that. It was good to know that shit was moving right along when it came to Trell. He hadn’t called me though, which was strange. Suddenly I was wondering what he was up to.

  Keys passed me a cup of coffee and I took a sip. It was just how I liked it, creamy and sweet. Keys liked his coffee black with just a pinch of sugar. Ewww.

  “Trell didn’t call to tell me that he was here. What do you think he’s up to?”

  Keys shrugged his shoulders. “I’on know, but we gon’ murk that nigga tonight, so it don’t matter.”

  “I just got an eerie feeling. It’s like he’s bein’ sneaky. Maybe the person he has watchin’ me told him that I’ve been with you.”

  He pulled me into his arms and tongued me down all nice and slow. “It don’t matter ma. Stop worryin’ ‘bout that shit. A’ight. Yo’ man got you.”

  I nodded all out of breath and shit. “Okay.”

  * * *

  Ana had a breakfast spread laid out on platters when we got to my father’s estate. There were vegetable omelets, waffles, fruit, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, grits and biscuits. My father didn’t eat waffles, so the biscuits were for him. My whole life Ana had always been more like my mother than my own. When she saw me walk through the door her eyes lit up instantly. We hugged and she ushered me into the kitchen to get something to eat like she did when I returned from school as a kid.

  It was a shame that I was closer to my father’s staff than I was to my mom. At first I had a nanny named Sharon, but she was fired because my mother thought she was too attractive. Ana was attractive too, but my father was determined to keep her because of our bond. When she first started working for my paren
ts she was in her late twenties and only spoke Spanish. I helped her with her English and she helped me with my Spanish. I looked forward to our time together back then. After we moved I really missed Ana.

  “That breakfast was delicious Ana,” I told her with a smile after I drained the rest of my orange juice.

  “Thank you Sen. Want more juice?” She asked.

  A sly smile replaced my grateful one and I whispered as I looked around, “Can I get a Mimosa?”

  She winked. “Of course.”

  My father had left the kitchen with Keys and Dame in tow to discuss what they planned to do to Trell later. My nerves were bad, so I needed a little alcohol. As I waited for Ana to make my Mimosa my phone rang. Speaking of the devil, it was Trell. The sound of my heart pounding was louder than my phone, but despite my nerves I answered.

  “Where the fuck you at?” He barked.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear. “Why the fuck you gotta be yellin’ and shit. I got the phone to my ear nigga. I can hear you, damn.”

  “Whatever! Where you at bitch?”

  “I’m tired of you callin’ me bitches Trell, for real.”

  “What the fuck you gon’ do about it?”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Damnit, I wish they’d just kill that nigga already. I was so sick of him.

  “How’s your mom Trell?” Changing the subject to his mother was my way of softening him up a little bit.

  “She ain’t dead yet if that’s what you wanna know. I had to come back and handle some shit, but I’m goin’ back in a few days. Maybe she’ll be dead by then.” He said it as if he didn’t really give a fuck.

  My guess was he was just trying to be hard about it. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything.

  “Now answer my question. Where you at?”

  “I’m at my father’s house. I’m still workin’ on that for you,” I lied with ease.

  He cleared his throat. “What the fuck’s takin’ yo’ ass so long? I just knew you’d know by now.”

  “It’s delicate Trell. I told you I don’t get involved in his business, so it’s not like I can just bring that shit up in a conversation and he won’t be suspicious.”

  “A’ight. I gotta go see ‘bout that nigga JJ real quick…He ain’t been answerin’ his phone. My phone wasn’t workin’ right in Savannah and the homies were tryna call me. I ain’t went to check them out yet though. I gotta handle some shit wit’ that nigga first.”

  I gulped.

  “I’ll hit you up after that. I gotta see you, shit…I’m horny as fuck. I need some of that good ass pussy. Answer yo’ phone bitch!” He hung up.

  I felt nauseous all over again at the mention of us having sex. That shit wasn’t about to happen. Not only did I hate that nigga, but he was my brother. The thought of being with him in that way made my skin crawl.

  * * *


  Mendosa’s eyes were hard as they settled on my face. He was still uneasy about the thought of me being with his daughter, but I didn’t care about that. All I could think about was killing Trell and whoever else was a threat to my woman. In a short amount of time I’d grown even closer to Sen than I could’ve imagined possible. It was as if we had just picked right up where we left off. Our foundation as friends was strong as hell and even with distance and time between us our bond hadn’t been broken. There was nothing that Mendosa or anybody else could do about that. Shit, there wasn’t even anything that me or Sen could do.

  “I got my niggas on standby and shit. We gon’ run up on his ass, get the evidence and murk his whole fuckin’ crew,” he said as Dame worked on accessing the bug in Trell’s crib from his phone.

  “So…what you want us to do?” I asked referring to me and Dame.

  “Ya’ll have done enough. I’ll take it from here,” he said simply.

  “Oh, hell nah Mendosa…I…”

  “I said I’ll take it from here. She’s my fuckin’ daughter.” That time his voice was louder.

  Still, I didn’t back down. “And she’s my woman.”

  Mendosa shook his head as he smirked at me. “You’ve been fuckin’ my daughter for a week or so and now you think you got some kinda authority over what I do when it comes to her. Nigga, you over stepping your boundaries for real.”

  I shook my head. “I ain’t tryna do that Mendosa. I just wanna make sure that nigga’s dead. I wanna do it myself because I love your daughter. I ain’t just fuckin’ her. I told you that.”

  “I’m gon’ make sure he’s dead Keys. A’ight. You good over there Dame?” Mendosa cut his eye at him and then his eyes were back on me.

  I narrowed my eyes at Mendosa. “Nah, that ain’t a’ight. I’m goin’ wit’ you to kill that nigga. That’s it Mendosa. It ain’t no need for us to argue about it.”

  Dame looked nervous as hell as we exchanged words.

  “Uh, I got something,” he said looking from Mendosa to me.

  Mendosa didn’t even acknowledge what I had said. “Turn it up.”

  Dame adjusted the volume and we could hear Trell talking to somebody on the phone.

  “A’ight. I gotta go see ‘bout that nigga JJ real quick…He ain’t been answerin’ his phone.” There was a short pause. “I’ll hit you up after that. I gotta see you, shit…I’m horny as fuck. I need some of that good ass pussy. Answer yo’ phone bitch!”

  Mendosa’s jaw clenched and my blood was boiling.

  “I bet he’s talkin’ to Sen,” I hissed angrily.

  “I can’t wait to get my hands on that muthafucka!” Mendosa slammed his fist into his hand over and over again.

  “If he thinks he’s touchin’ her he got another thing comin’.” I was fuming.

  Suddenly it was silent on Trell’s end and then I thought about it. JJ was dead and once he found that out I was sure he was going to be on a mission to find out what happened. Nobody knew that I’d murked him, so I was good on that front. However, we had no time to waste. We had to get that nigga out of the way…and soon.

  “So, ya’ll killed that nigga JJ right?” Mendosa asked.

  “Yeah,” me and Dame said in unison.

  “So, he’s on his way there now. Once he leaves his crib we can’t hear shit. It’s broad daylight, so it ain’t a good time to creep up on that nigga. I’m ‘bout to get my niggas on it. They gon’ follow him to JJ’s and then keep they eye on his ass until the sun goes down. After that we gon’ make our move. Hopefully he’ll go back to the crib to regroup and we’ll hear something. I need to know who else got that fuckin’ video,” Mendoda said.

  “A’ight,” Dame agreed.

  I just shook my head. That nigga thought I wasn’t going to be involved, but he was wrong. I loved Sen too and if anybody was going to torture and murder Trell for hurting her it was going to be me.

  “I’m gonna go check on Sen.”

  Mendosa glared at me as I left the room.

  Sen was in the sitting room watching Tom and Jerry and sipping on what looked like orange juice. I walked over and sat down beside her.

  “You still watch this?” I kissed her cheek reminiscing about how we used to watch cartoons together.

  “Yes. It makes me feel like a kid again. When things were simple.”

  “Why’re you drinkin’ this early ma?” I frowned when I smelled the alcohol on her breath.

  She smirked at me. “Did you really just ask me that?”

  “Were you just on the phone wit’ Trell?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Heard his end of the conversation.”

  “Oh, well, now you know why I’m drinkin’.”

  I grabbed her hand and kissed it. “It’ll be over tonight baby.”

  “Yeah, that’ll be over…but…”

  “Shhhh…You’re tryna go back to when things were simple…remember?”

  “Right.” She smiled.

  “I was just checkin’ up on you and shit. I’m gonna go back in there before yo’ old man come in here buckin’
and shit.”

  Her smile was gone. “He’ll get over it Keys. Just give him time.”

  “I know.” I sighed and stood up.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  * * *

  We were back at my spot by one in the afternoon and I just wanted to chill a little bit before shit went down. I was on stand-by waiting for the call from Dame or Mendosa to let me know what was up. Mendosa had tried to talk me down, but I was adamant about being the one to kill Trell.

  “I’m tellin’ you man. I’m gon’ roll up anyway. As soon as the sun goes down I’ll be gunnin’ it to get to that nigga. I’m for real Mendosa. Don’t try to leave me outta that shit,” I told him before I left.

  He gave me a look that made me want to recoil, but I stood my ground. A nigga didn’t even blink. I needed him to know just how serious I was. Shit, I was even willing to go against him and nobody wanted to go against Mendosa. That was why Trell’s punk ass was using Sen as a front. If he was a real man he’d just be brave enough to take Mendosa’s reserve at gun point. That nigga wasn’t willing to take that risk though. He knew that his life would be in jeopardy because Mendosa had his reserve full of armed guards.

  “A’ight nigga damn,” he finally gave in. “I’ll call you.”

  Sen left with me and Mendosa looked like he wanted to shoot me in the back of my head. I could feel his eyes burning a hole through my skin.

  Now we were back at my spot. Sen was feeling good from her drink and I was rolling a blunt so I could feel like her. She straddled me and then started kissing my neck softly. I was on hard in no time.

  “You in the mood for some dick right now?” I was surprised after all that was going on.

  “Mmm hmm…I am…” she mumbled with her face buried in my neck.

  “Let me hit this blunt a couple times baby and then I’ll hit that.” I pointed between her thighs.

  She laughed. “Really? You wanna hit the blunt first?”

  “You know I want some of that good shit. It’s just…I need to smoke right now.”

  As she rolled off me, she gave me a sad, pouty look as if I’d rejected her.