The Plug's Daughter 2: It's Love and War Read online

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  I rang the doorbell and tapped my foot on the wood floor impatiently as I waited. It took a while, but I heard footsteps. My heart started to pound, but I kept my head tilted so that my face wouldn’t be seen. The door suddenly opened and my gun was at her head.

  “Let me in bitch,” I mouthed the words, but she got the message.

  She closed the door behind us and looked at me like she was wondering who the fuck I was. I noticed that her eye had a bruise under it that was healing. Other than that I guess I didn’t bang her up too much. I took the glasses off and she knew who I was instantly.

  “What the fuck?”

  “I was texting you bitch!”

  When Keys had went downstairs I had the opportunity to go through his phone. I needed to know how he really felt about Elena. I could read him really well at times, but when it came to that bitch, I couldn’t. I’d watched him draw that pattern a million times and got it right on the first try. I saw that he had old girl’s number blocked, but of course she could still text him.

  When I read that the bitch was supposedly pregnant I was instantly mad as fuck. Why the hell didn’t that nigga tell me the truth about that shit? There I was pouring my heart out and giving him most of me and he was leaving me in the dark about important ass shit. It was so easy to text that bitch and pretend like I was him. I told her that I wanted to come over and talk. She thought I was Keys, so of course her desperate ass agreed. I didn’t have her address, so I asked her to give me her address again so I could put it in my GPS. I claimed I wanted to avoid the highway. She fell for it like a fool.

  “Fuck!” She rolled her eyes. “Why are you here? You better be glad I didn’t get your ass locked the fuck up the first time. Now you pressing it bitch!”

  “What the fuck ever hoe! I saw the picture of the pregnancy test and shit. I’m here to do what that nigga didn’t do. I’m ‘bout to see if your ass is really pregnant. If you are we gon’ wait it out, but you know it’s a chance that it’s your boyfriend’s.”

  There were tears in her eyes as she shook her head. “You are really crazy.”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m crazy about that nigga and I’ll kill you over him if I have to.” I dumped the contents of the small plastic bag that was dangling from my wrist on the coffee table.

  “Pregnancy tests?” She asked with wide eyes.

  “Yes bitch. Pick them up.”

  “It’s three of them.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. We’re gonna make sure.”

  She sighed. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? I don’t even have to pee.”

  “Don’t worry. I got time. Where’s the kitchen?”

  That bitch led me to the kitchen and I kept my gun on her stupid ass.

  “What are you doing?” Her eyes were on me trying to figure out my next move. “Would you really shoot me and I’m pregnant?”

  “I’m not doin’ anything, but you’re gonna drink water until you have to pee bitch. As far as you bein’ pregnant, we shall see and yes, I will shoot you. I don’t give a fuck.” My eyes let her know that I wasn’t joking. Not one bit.

  My gun stayed on her as she drank the water down straight from the faucet. We waited in silence with my eyes trained on her. There was nothing about that hoe I envied other than the fact that she could possibly be carrying my man’s child. Yeah, I had threatened to shoot her, but if she was pregnant I wouldn’t be able to do it. I only told her that so she’d fear me and do what I said.

  “I love Keys too. He’s a great dude, but I’d never take the shit this far.” Tears were sliding down her cheeks, but they didn’t sway me.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch! You gotta pee yet?”

  She rolled her eyes before wiping them. “No!”

  “You’re pregnant right? I thought pregnant bitches pee a lot!”

  “Well, even with a gun in my face I can’t pee on demand!” She snapped back.

  “Go to the bathroom bitch. You gon’ sit there until you pee.” I pushed her so that we could move along.

  She jerked out of my way and gave me a look like she wanted to whoop my ass.

  “Not with this gun in my hand hoe. You better not.” There was a smirk on my face, but I was dead ass serious. I may not shoot that hoe, but I’d bust her in the face with that damn gun.

  “Shit, I can’t believe this…”

  “Well bitch believe it ‘cause it’s happening. I don’t give a fuck what you say. That nigga is worth it to me!”

  Without saying another word she led me to the bathroom that was in the hallway. Then I thought about it. She needed to pee in a cup so that she could dip all of the tests in it at the same time.

  “Do you have a little medicine cup somewhere in here?”

  She reached up in the medicine cabinet and removed a bottle of Benadryl. It had the little clear, plastic measuring cup on top of it.

  “Will this do?” She asked sarcastically.

  “Rinse it with hot water bitch. I don’t want anything interfering with the results.”

  She rolled her eyes and then did as I said.

  “Okay, now get to peeing bitch!” My gun was against her temple.

  “Really? Why can’t you just stand outside the door?”

  I shook my head. “You sound real fuckin’ stupid right now bitch. You ain’t got nothing I ain’t got. Drop your drawers and piss in the fuckin’ cup before I shoot your dumb ass!”

  She pulled her shorts down and sat down on the toilet. My gun was still right there against her skin. A minute or so passed and nothing.

  “I can’t pee!” She spat.

  I turned the water on and let it run. “Maybe that’ll help.”

  Damnit that bitch needed to hurry up so I could get back to the crib before Keys did. If he found out that I was gone he was going to be mad, but if he knew about what I was doing he was going to be livid. I had to know for myself though. There was no way I could sit there without knowing for sure if she was pregnant. It would be a while before we knew if it was his, but I still had to know.

  Time was passing by and that hoe still hadn’t pissed yet. I was tempted to beat her ass again, but I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

  “What the fuck is the problem?” I asked her with my eyes narrowed in anger.

  “You bitch! You’re the problem! You got a gun on me and shit. You’re one mental ass hoe! I can’t believe Keys is even fuckin’ with you. I thought he liked smart chicks!”

  I laughed before spitting in that bitch’s face. “Fuck you, you naïve ass hoe! You don’t know shit about me! It’s taking everything in me not to bust you upside your fuckin’ head! Now pee before I shoot you in your stomach bitch!”

  The tears started again and I wasn’t moved. All I wanted that heifer to do was pee in that cup and dip those damn sticks in that shit. My spit dripped down her lips into her lap and I knew that hoe felt disrespected. There was silence in the room as she finally peed in the cup. She picked up the first pregnancy test and dipped it before placing it on the sink’s counter. When she was done with the other two she stood and fixed her clothes.

  There was a smile on my face. “Thank you for cooperating hoe.”

  She shook her head but she was still crying.

  “You’re damn sure emotional like a pregnant bitch. I tell you.”

  “Whatever,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

  I didn’t pay her any mind. The only thing I cared about were those damn results. Fuck that hoe. My attention drifted to the counter to see what the verdict was.

  “Hmm, so I guess the test you took was faulty! You ain’t pregnant hoe! I knew it! Like my baby said, he wrapped up with your trick ass!” I pulled my phone out with my free hand and took a picture.

  The bitch had the nerve to look surprised. “But it can’t be.”

  “Bitch, they’re all negative. What did you do, buy a positive test from Craigslist to fool him with? Unlike him, his girl is gonna get to the bottom of shit. Yeah hoe. What was you plannin’ to do? Ask him for abortio
n money? I mean what else. You wasn’t gonna produce a baby in nine months you dumb bitch!”

  Now that I knew the hoe wasn’t pregnant I didn’t give a damn. I kicked her hard as hell in her stomach and she fell down between the toilet and the wall. After that I knocked the cup of pee over so that it splashed right on her ass. She squinted her eyes and held her hands out bracing herself for my assault. I caught myself.

  “Don’t shoot me…”

  “You’re the one who ain’t worth it! Scheming ass hoe! Leave my man alone! If you go anywhere near him again I’ll kill your ass…for real!” I stumped her in the face with my J’s a couple times before finally turning to leave. “Lyin’ ass bitch!”

  Chapter 3


  When Sen walked in the door I was sitting there fuming. Little did she know, but I had come back to the crib earlier than I planned. I didn’t even bother calling to tell her because I’d grabbed us some lunch from Chipotle. She loved that spot and I wanted to surprise her. She really seemed to appreciate the simple shit. After I realized that she wasn’t there I was going to call and then I saw that she forgot to delete one of her text messages to Elena. Yeah, I knew what she was up to. Why would she ask for her address? Obviously that was where she had went.

  “Keys…” She looked shocked as hell and that was the reaction I was hoping for. “What…?”

  “Let me ask the questions. Where the fuck have you been?” My face had to show how pissed I was. One thing I was bad at was masking how I felt. My face told it all.

  She closed the door and made her way over to me.

  “Uh…I just went out to get some air…”

  “Do you know how dangerous that was?” I pretended not to know anything because I wanted her to tell me the truth.

  “Yes, but I…I was careful.” Her eyes were casted down. She couldn’t even look at me.

  I had to fuck with her. “Did you go see Trell?”

  She looked up at me and frowned. “Hell no!”

  “Well at least you listened to me about that.” I wished she’d just admit that she went through my phone.

  True, I should’ve told her about Elena supposedly being pregnant and I was going to. The timing was just bad as hell. There was enough shit going on and I didn’t think she’d take the news well. After knowing that she could’ve possibly done something stupid, I realized it would’ve been better if I’d just gotten it over with.

  “Look Keys.” She sat down beside me. “I…I’m going to be honest with you.” After letting out a sigh she continued. “I love you so much. I don’t love a lot of people, so when I do love, I think I love too strong. The thing with Elena was bothering me, so I went through your phone. I saw the texts about her being pregnant and my mind just snapped. I had to know if she was really pregnant or not…so…”

  My jaw muscle twitched. “What did you do ma?”

  “I…caught a taxi over there. I didn’t want to use my Uber app just in case it could be traced somehow. I knew that I was going to possibly…hurt her. I was mad Keys. At you and her. At you for not telling me the truth about that bitch and at her for being pregnant. I ran up on her with my gun and made her take three pregnancy tests,” she explained.

  “What? C’mon babe. Why the fuck did you do that?” I was taken aback.

  Part of me was grateful that she loved me that much, but part of me was kind of afraid of what she was capable of. When it came to me I sensed her loyalty and the extent she’d go to protect what we had, but damn. I didn’t want her to jeopardize her life or her freedom for me. That was going above and beyond what I expected from my woman.

  “Because just like I thought the hoe isn’t pregnant.”

  She showed me a picture of three negative pregnancy tests.

  “I knew that she wasn’t pregnant by me Sen. You didn’t have to take it there.” I shook my head in disbelief. It was already enough drama going on.

  “No, I did have to take it there! You don’t get it Keys! There are enough threats against my life and that hoe will not be one of them! I did what I did to put fear in that bitch! She’s not pregnant by you so she needs to leave you the fuck alone and I let her know that shit!”

  Bae was mad, but so was I. What if she had gotten killed out there trying to prove a point to Elena? What if she had snapped and Killed Elena? I knew that she was capable of murder. It wouldn’t have been worth it.

  “I would’ve handled her! You put yo’ life in danger, and for what? To find out what I already fuckin’ knew. Now what if she presses charges against you? Then what? Did you think about that? Do you even think, or do you just react?” My eyes were on her trying to figure her out.

  Maybe we’d rushed into things. Love was tricky and often times it came even when you didn’t know the person well enough. I was having second thoughts about my feelings for Sen. I’d just told her to make better decisions, but she was still being reckless as hell.

  “Okay, so what, I reacted. Fuck that! You didn’t even tell me the truth Keys! I was wrong for going through your phone. I admit that, but you were just as wrong for not telling me that bitch said she was pregnant. If she was really fuckin’ pregnant you wouldn’t have been able to hide that shit forever!” She shook her head at me and stood up.

  “I was gonna tell you after all of this shit was over! Why the fuck you gotta go lookin’ for shit! I ain’t tryna hide nothin’ from you. Like always I was tryna protect you! Don’t you get it! How many niggas do I have to kill for you to see that I’m serious about you! That insecure shit ain’t cute ma! For real! It’s a fuckin’ turn off! I love you! You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, but something’s goin’ on wit’ you! I wanna love you and protect you Sen, but I can’t protect you from yourself!”

  The tears fell from her eyes that time and she swiped them away as if she was angry at them for falling. “So, you’re turning this around on me! I’m the bad guy when you’re the one keeping secrets!”

  “You know what Sen. I’m done talkin’ ‘bout this shit right now!” I got up and walked toward the bedroom.

  “Well, I’m leaving then!”

  “No you’re not!”

  “I’m grown and I’ll do what the fuck I want to do! I’m going to my father’s!”

  I walked toward her with long strides. “No, you’re stayin’ here! I’m goin’ to cool the fuck off in my room for a minute and you’re gonna stay in here until I’m ready to talk!”


  “What the fuck did I say?” I was all up in her face letting her know that I wasn’t playing with her ass.

  She looked away and put her hand on her hip. I could tell that she was heated, but that didn’t matter.

  “I really don’t care what you said Keys.”

  “Yes you do. You care ma. You want me to think you don’t, but I ain’t stupid. I’m fuckin’ mad as hell at you right now yo’! Straight up, but guess what? I love you woman and I ain’t givin’ up on you that easy. We gon’ go through shit. Fuck, we gon’ get mad at each other. So the fuck what. I’m gonna wanna hurt you and you gonna wanna hurt me. So…the…fuck…what. You ain’t gon’ run away ‘cause we ain’t seein’ eye to eye right now. You gon’ chill the fuck out and we gon’ work it the fuck out. Now go sit yo’ ass the fuck down like I said!”

  She looked at me like I had lost it, but she didn’t say a word. All she did was walk toward the sofa and sat down with an attitude.

  “You’re really tripping right now.” Her lips were poked out and like always I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Put yo’ damn lip back in woman. I ain’t Mendosa. I’m yo’ nigga and I’m crazy as hell, but so are you. This is the result when two crazy mufuckas love each other. Get the fuck over it. Sulk, be mad, throw some shit, do whatever, but you ain’t fuckin’ leavin’.” With that said I went in my room and slammed the door.

  * * *

  About an hour had passed and it was time for me to talk to my girl. She was right about something she’d said before. I was a man of few wo
rds. If I communicated better and told her the truth from the beginning she wouldn’t have felt the need to go through my phone. She’d violated, but in a way I understood why. After running the situation over and over again through my mind, I came to one conclusion. I loved Sen more than life itself, so I had to make shit right with her.

  If I went out there to take care of that nigga Trell and I ended up losing my life, I didn’t want her living with us not making up. That would be some hard shit to deal with. My love for Sen made me forgive her for going through my phone. However, I was not going to take that type of bullshit from her. Either she was going to trust me or not.

  I walked out of the room and she was laying there on the sofa sound asleep. Obviously her confrontation with Elena had made her tired.

  “Baby!” I called out to wake her.

  She didn’t even stir, so I lifted her feet, sat down on the sofa and placed them in my lap.


  That time she opened her eyes. “I’m sorry Keys.” Her voice was low and laced with sleep. “Please forgive me.”

  I nodded. “Okay, you’re forgiven. Let’s make a promise.”

  “Okay.” She was looking up at me with those innocent doe like eyes and I was weak as hell.

  “I promise not to keep anything from you, but you have to promise to trust me. I’m not plannin’ on hurtin’ you ma. I need you to know that. It stops right here wit’ you. I got all I need now. Don’t push me away Sen, because I’m gonna push back. You feel me?”

  “I feel you Keys and I promise. It’ll never happen again.”

  I glared at her because in a way I didn’t believe her ass. Like she said, she loved intensely. I guess I was the same way being that I was willing to do anything to keep her safe. My will to protect her was the same as her will to keep me in her life. I got it. It was just the fact that I wanted her to let me tell her about Elena.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She had a sly smile on her face. “But…it’s not like you’re gonna leave me either way. You said you’re not going anywhere.”