The Plug's Daughter 2: It's Love and War Read online

Page 4

  “Don’t take advantage of that Sen.”

  The smile disappeared from her face.

  I continued. “I love you and I’ll never leave you or hurt you, but if you hurt me that changes things ma. I know you been through some shit, but I ain’t the one who hurt you. I apologize for keepin’ that shit from you ‘bout Lena. Still, it’s not cool for you to be snoopin’ and shit.”

  Sen let out a deep sigh. “Can we let this go now babe. We both agreed that we’re gonna communicate better.”

  “Okay. It’s over. It’s gettin’ late anyway and it’s almost time…”

  My phone rang. It was Mendosa.


  “Keys, sup nigga?”

  “Waitin’ for the word man.”

  “How’s my lil’ girl?”

  “She’s good. She’s right here.”

  “Word, word. Look, this how shit gon’ go. In ‘bout an hour I’m gon’ come scoop you and Sen. I want her to stay here while that shit goes down. You talked to Dame?”

  “Nah, not since earlier.” Which was strange.

  He was supposed to be up on the intel, but he wasn’t calling to let us know anything.

  “Call him and see what’s up. See ya’ in a lil’ while.”


  I hung up.

  “That was my father?”

  “Yeah. Shit’s ‘bout to go down.”

  Sen rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m so glad, but…I’m scared too. If you…or my…”

  “Shhh…we gon’ be good ma. Regardless of what’s going on I got his back and he got mine. Know that.”

  “Okay Keys. I trust you.”

  * * *

  I was in the car with Mendosa and we were on the way to pick Dame up.

  “Come to find out, that nigga didn’t give the video to nobody but JJ, ‘cause accordin’ to him he ain’t trust nobody else wit’ it.” I told him about what Dame had let me in on. He’d listened to a conversation that Trell had with some nigga, but he didn’t recognize his voice.

  “So now that shit’s gonna be even easier.” A smile spread across Mendosa’s face.

  It was the first time I’d seen him smile since he’d showed up at my door and put a gun to my head.

  JJ was dead and gone, but the thought of him being a snake ass nigga like Trell pissed me the fuck off. I guess he’d been loyal to Trell and was spying on me and Dame like he was the damn CIA all that time.

  “That nigga was never loyal to us nigga. For the past five years he been hangin’ from that nigga Trell’s nuts like a crab and fuckin’ us over,” Dame had told me.

  “It don’t matter. That nigga’s dead and we ain’t. That’s all that fuckin’ matters my nigga,” I spat back.

  “True,” he had agreed.

  Now we were heading to his crib to scoop him. It was time to get that shit with Trell over with. Knowing that he was the only one other than JJ with the video was a relief. Yet and still, Mendosa had his team out hunting the rest of his crew down. Just to be safe, those niggas had to be deaded too. There would be a lot of lives taken just to save Sen’s, but I didn’t give a fuck. All of their souls were worth hers.

  When we were about two minutes from Dame’s spot I called his cellphone, but got no answer.

  “What the fuck?” I asked out loud.

  “What?” Mendosa asked as he made a left turn to take us into Dame’s subdivision.

  “That nigga ain’t answerin’.”

  Mendosa gave me a quizzical look. “Didn’t you just talk to him?”

  I nodded. “Yup. That was ‘bout thirty minutes ago and shit.”

  “You know yo’ boy be doin’ some wild shit. Ain’t no tellin’ what he done got into.”

  “Shit. You right about that.” I shook my head as I thought about one of his bitches popping up again.

  Maybe Arica had really put a bullet in that nigga’s head once and for all.

  We pulled up and I noticed that his car was the only one in the driveway, so that meant Arica wasn’t there. I called again and when he didn’t answer that time I went ahead and got out. As I headed to the door a feeling of dread took over me. Something just didn’t feel right.

  I rang the doorbell and knocked, but there was no answer.

  “Dame! Nigga, come to the door!” I yelled and dialed his number again.

  That shit still only rang. I was frustrated as hell, because I couldn’t see shit inside of the house. The blinds were all closed and it was quiet as hell. I had no clue what had happened. All I knew was I had talked to that nigga earlier and he was all anxious to get Trell’s ass. Was he scared? Had he punked out on us? Hell nah. That wasn’t like my nigga.

  With hesitation I made my way back to the car. I got in and Mendosa immediately asked me what was up.

  “I’on know.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Something ain’t right yo’.”

  He shook his head. “Well, we ain’t got time to find out. We gotta handle Trell and then we’ll see ‘bout that nigga. A’ight.”

  It was bothering me, but he was right. “A’ight.”

  “Keep yo’ head on straight Keys.”

  I nodded. “I’m straight man.”

  * * *

  We pulled up right behind that nigga Trell’s pearl colored Beemer just as he was getting out. I was driving so that Mendosa could lean back and be unseen until I finished part one of the plan. Of course Dame was supposed to be with me, but I didn’t know what the fuck had happened to that nigga. I jumped out of the car and made my way over to him.

  “Trell, what’s up yo’?”

  He looked back with his hand in the waist of his jeans. I knew that he was reaching for his strap.

  “Sup?” He looked at me as if he didn’t know who I was.

  We hadn’t seen each other in a minute, but I didn’t look different or nothing.

  “It’s Keys man.”

  “Oh,” his eyes lit up with recognition as we closed the distance between us. “What the fuck’s goin’ on man?”

  “Not shit my nigga. I heard about what happened to JJ.”

  His eyes changed. “I ain’t fuck wit’ that nigga like that. That was your boy.”

  “Yeah, but uh…word in the streets was ya’ll niggas were doin’ business together. He told me all about your plan for Mendosa. I know we ain’t really…talked…in a minute, but you know I can help you. That nigga trusts me…so…” There was a slick look in my eyes.

  “What that nigga JJ tell you?” He asked suddenly giving me the side eye. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that broke ass mufucka.”

  “He told me everything. Maybe he ran his mouth too much and that’s why he got murked.”

  “You think Mendosa know what’s goin’ on?”

  “Nah nigga. He don’t know shit. That’s why you gotta get a move on that shit. He might find out sooner or later.”

  That nigga shot me a skeptical look. “Why the fuck should I trust you nigga? You don’t fuck wit’ me like that.”

  Rubbing my chin in deep thought, I said, “You should trust me ‘cause I wanna get my hands on Mendosa’s reserve too. Just like you and Dame always said, I need to fuck wit’ that real shit. I know where that shit’s at and I can get it without worryin’ about us gettin’ blasted and shit. Mendosa’s niggas trust me. All I gotta do is tell them that he told me to pick some shit up.” I was lying my ass off.

  Suddenly Trell looked convinced. “You and that mufucka are tight as hell. Shit, ‘cause that bitch Sen ain’t movin’ fast enough…”

  “Sen?” I played dumb, but the sound of her name coming out of his mouth infuriated me. The fact that he called her a bitch in my face made me want to go off into a rage.

  “Yeah, his daughter. That’s my hoe.” He smiled. “Bitch’s pussy is off the fuckin’ chain man. It’s so good. Damn! I wanna hit it raw so bad, but she won’t let me.”

  I closed my eyes hoping that nigga would shut up before I shot his ass right then and there. Fuck it! There was no
way I could keep acting like I was going to help him. That was my time to give Mendosa the signal because I was about to pull out on that nigga. My hand was on my strap so fast that he didn’t know what was going on until that shit was at his temple.

  Mendosa was out of the car standing on the other side of him. He removed Trell’s gun from the waist of his jeans.

  “Yeah nigga. We know every fuckin’ thing! Now let’s go inside and talk.” He had his gun pointed at that nigga’s back.

  “I knew I shouldn’t have fell for that bullshit.” Trell cut his eyes at me and drug his feet toward his crib.

  He was taking his time in hopes that someone would past by and see what was going on. The thing was neither me nor Mendosa was a fool. We knew how to make it look like we were simply walking along with him willingly.

  Once we were finally inside and the door was closed Mendosa repeatedly hit Trell upside the head with his huge, silver Desert Eagle. That nigga staggered and held on to the sofa to keep his balance.

  “Fuck!” His eyes were on me. “I knew I should’ve killed you a long time ago nigga.”

  I smirked at him. “Too late, ‘cause I’m gon’ kill you. Sen’s not yo’ hoe or yo’ bitch muthafucka. She’s his daughter and my woman! You fucked wit’ the wrong one man.”

  “Yo’ woman? You tryna get me back for that hoe I fucked back when you got that time? You still mad ‘bout that? That was puppy love man. The shit I feel for Sen is real. She fucked you to get back at me huh?” He spat blood as he laughed. “That bitch.”

  I punched the shit out of him just as Mendosa was about to go upside his head again.

  “Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!” I was furious.

  Mendosa gave me a look of approval.

  “You need to calm the fuck down with referring to my daughter as a bitch, son,” he said to Trell.

  “I ain’t yo’ son nigga! You killed my pops. I should’ve just got yo’ ass locked the fuck up…”

  “But you had to be on some overzealous shit,” Mendosa spoke up. “Now where the fuck is the original video nigga.”

  Trell had a defiant look on his face. “Gone and kill me ‘cause I ain’t ‘bout to tell yo’ snake ass shit. How the fuck you gon’ murder my pops man? Huh? Ya’ll were partners and you turned on him! Fuck nigga! You know what! Fuck that! I should’ve just killed yo’ ass.”

  Mendosa let out an evil laugh that was loud as hell. That shit was almost scary to me.

  “You should’ve killed me? You know why you didn’t?” Mendosa grabbed that nigga’s chin and squeezed his face so that his lips were poked out like a bitch. “Cause you couldn’t you bitch made nigga! You just like that punk ass so called daddy of yours. Soft as fuck! He let me choke him to death and he ain’t even fight back. Weak muthafucka. You saw the video. Now where the fuck is it?”

  Trell looked him straight in the eye and then stuck up his middle finger. “Nigga fuck you just like I fucked yo’ bitch ass daughter!”

  Mendosa went off then and started really beating the shit out him with that gun.

  “I’m beatin’ you like I should’ve beat yo’ ass a long fuckin’ time ago!” After that he took his belt off and started whooping his ass.

  “Fuck! I swear nigga, you gon’ get yours!” Trell whimpered like a little bitch.

  I couldn’t hold my laughter back.

  “You wanna cry nigga?” I asked hoping that Mendosa would let me be the one to kill that fool.

  “He wasn’t yo’ fuckin’ daddy!” Mendosa yelled between strikes from his leather strap. “I’m yo’ fuckin’ daddy nigga and you been fuckin’ yo’ sister!”

  Trell’s face was full of shock and pain. “What the fuck you say! You what?”

  “You heard me nigga! You my fuckin’ son muthafucka! I killed yo’ pops because he knew.” Mendosa stopped beating that nigga and put his belt back on as I held my gun on him.

  “Now where the fuck is the damn video nigga. Either you tell us, or you gon’ be beggin’ us to kill yo’ bitch ass,” I said.

  That nigga was still in a state of shock from what Mendosa had told him.

  “That can’t be true,” he said with an empty look in his eyes. “That can’t be…”

  “It’s true muthafucka! Why you think yo’ momma went crazy. She loved the dick!” Mendosa had to fuck with him some more. “Damn right. You fucked my daughter and I fucked the shit outta yo’ mama muthafucka!”

  Trell jumped up like he was going to do something, but I shot that nigga in the arm. He grabbed his bicep and then slumped back down in the chair.

  “Shit! You muthafucka!” The blood flowed from his wound.

  “We ain’t playin’ wit’ you nigga. Where the fuck is the video?” I asked as I moved his hand and stuck my finger in the bullet hole.

  “Arrrggghhhh…fuck! It don’t matter. Even if you get the original my niggas got copies…”

  “Cut the bullshit. We know that nigga JJ was the only one who had one,” Mendosa said with a look on his face like he was sick of the run around. “I say let’s kill this nigga Keys. Fuck that video ‘cause all his so called niggas gon’ be dead tonight anyway.”

  Trell looked like he was about to lose his mind. He’d obviously bit off more than he could chew with that damn scheme. If only he knew how much Sen loved her pops and how much he loved her. Then add the fact that I was willing to do anything for her because I loved the shit out of her too. He hadn’t bargained for me and Mendosa coming for his bitch ass.

  “Damn nigga, if you my pops why you wanna kill me?” Trell asked trying to sound all innocent and shit. “I mean if I had known you was my pops instead of Boss this shit wouldn’t have happened man. Straight the fuck up.”

  “I wanna kill you because of what you did to my daughter. This shit ain’t even about me or you muthafucka. I’ll take prison time. I’on give a fuck about that. Prison don’t scare me. I did time before. I’on play ‘bout my baby girl though. Real nigga shit. If I’ll kill over my money and my territory, you know I’ll kill a nigga over her.” Mendosa’s eyes said it all. He didn’t even have to give that spill.

  It was over. I could clearly see that he didn’t give a fuck about getting that video. A nigga like me knew that it was about Sen, but to her it was about his freedom. We had to get that video.

  “Where the fuck is the video?” I attempted to ask him one more time before I pulled the trigger.

  He didn’t say shit.

  “I’m ‘bout to kill this nigga…”

  “Hold up,” I told Mendosa as I pulled a sharp ass scalpel from my pocket.

  I had found that shit when I was at Sen’s getting her shit. It was part of her Bio Chemisty stuff I guess. All I knew was that shit was sharp as hell. I figured I’d give it to her to use as a weapon, but I had forgot all about it until right before Mendosa came to pick me up. It was sitting right there on the dresser in my bedroom.

  “This shit is used during surgery to make clean, precise cuts through the skin.” My voice was sinister. “Now, you can make this shit easy for yourself by just tellin’ us where the fuckin’ video is or you can make this shit hard. I, for one, like the sight of blood.” I traced the sharp blade with my fingertip. “Especially when it’s the blood of somebody that I hate as much as you.”

  “Fuck you!” Trell yelled with red eyes full of hatred.

  I stuck that scalpel in his eyeball and then his ear. He screamed out in pain.

  “Arrgggghhhh…fuck!!!!!!! Shit man!!”

  “Where the fuck is the video!” I yelled.

  “Fuck you!” He managed to let out.

  That time I stuck that shit in his groin knowing that it had either pierced his dick or balls. He cried out in agony.

  “Damnit! Argggghhh fuck! Shit!”

  “That’s for rapin’ her!”

  “He raped her?” Mendosa asked. “You raped her!” He grabbed him and started punching him in his face over and over again. I had to pull that nigga back so that Trell wouldn’t go unconsci

  “We need him to tell us where the video is Mendosa.”

  That nigga shook his head. “Hell nah. Fuck that shit. Let’s get it over wit’. He ain’t talkin’.”

  “Stick out yo’ tongue. I’m gon’ give you a reason not to talk fuck nigga.” I had my gun pointed at his face.

  He was defiant.

  “Now, before I shoot you nigga!”

  He stuck his tongue out like he was at the dentist and I swiped it off. As his tongue dangled between my fingers he started freaking out and noises of panic escaped his throat.

  I threw his severed tongue into his lap as blood gushed from his mouth. “Now you can suck yo’ own dick muthafucka!”

  Pow! Pow! Pow!

  The sound of gunshots erupted and me and Mendosa both looked back as we ducked out of the way. There some nigga was with a handgun pointed in our direction. Mendosa was behind the sofa so he let off a few rounds.

  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

  I was squatting on the side of the love seat as I shot off some bullets to. Who was that nigga?

  Trell was up trying to get away, but I aimed my gun at him and shot him in the leg.

  Mendosa made sure the nigga who busted up in the crib was down. After that I knew that we had no time to lose. My eyes were on Mendosa waiting to see what he wanted to do. He nodded and I knew that it was my go ahead. I stood over Trell as he tried to crawl away. That nigga had nowhere to go. I used my foot to kick him over onto his back. He stared up at me with fear in his eyes as I let off two rounds in his head.

  Pop! Pop!

  Relief took over me instantly, but it was short lived. Whoever was trying to murder Sen had to be taken care of too.

  “They both dead. Let’s see if we can find the video,” I said to Mendosa.

  “Fuck that video man. I just wanted to kill that muthafucka…”

  I walked off. Fuck that. We didn’t come that far not to leave with the evidence. A nigga was about to trash that bitch.

  Chapter 4


  I was driving myself crazy waiting for Keys and my father to get back. Ana had gone to bed at nine o’ clock as usual and I was sitting there twittering my thumbs. Nadia had called me and we chopped it up, but my nerves were so bad that I had to get off the phone. My mom had called too, but I didn’t want to talk to her, so I sent her to voicemail. When I got there and saw the armed man in front of the house I knew that my father was serious about protecting me. I didn’t know why I didn’t just tell him the truth in the first place.